The product display at your salon makes a statement to stylists and clients alike. Use these three ways to professionally display your salon products. Not only will these tips change the atmosphere of the salon, but they may also bring in more product sales.


Don’t make your clients search for a particular product to purchase. Organize your salon products in alphabetical order, and arrange similar items together so that the display doesn’t become chaotic. If alphabetical order isn’t your cup of tea, still try to group items of the same brands. This will help both you and your customers find the appropriate products quickly. If you have extra product, store it neatly in the back of the salon. Buying too much product is a common mistake salon owners make with supplies. If this is the case, there is no need to put it out on the floor all at once. In fact, just two to three bottles of product are enough.


Keep your products near the door to your salon. Repeat clients may want to pop in and purchase a bottle on any given day. If it’s near the door, they won’t have to walk through the busy salon to grab their desired product. Stationing salon products up front expedites checkout and prevents unnecessary traffic flow and even theft.


It’s easy to overlook displays for your products when you clean. And it’s no secret that salons require a lot of cleaning. At the end of the day, you may already be tired from cleaning your station. If this is the case, create a rotation schedule for who in the salon will clean the product display weekly. It’s off-putting to customers to pick up product from dusty shelves. Clean nooks and crannies create a professional atmosphere. Don’t forget this most crucial tip out of the three ways to professionally display your salon products.

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