Keeping Active in the Winter Months 

 plus fitness

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning. I finally got the gumption to find my winter boots and find weather appropriate attire to trudge out into the snow. I don’t usually believe it until I see layers of white on the concrete ground and white stuff coming down. But yes, this snowstorm is real.  

I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to hibernate during the winter months, but moving your body will make you feel so much better.  

Though some may feel differently about this season, it can be just as easy to stay active as during the warmer times. Here are some ideas on how to stay active during this time of the year when your calendar will be filled with holiday parties and time with family and friends.  

Embrace the cold and get out there and enjoy the snow and ice. 

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Ice Skating – This is always a fun. Focusing on how fun it is won’t make you think you’re getting a great workout too.  

Skiing – An all-day activity and a great sport to work all of your muscles while enjoying the beautiful scenery.  

Sledding – Join the kids in their sledding fun. You’ll feel young again!  

Walking in the snow – The snow will give you added resistance, adding more intensity into the activity. Make sure you’re dressed for the cold occasion. 

Another option is staying indoors. There are so many alternatives to keeping active while staying out of the cold.  

Home Workouts – Pop in your favorite workout DVD and move it! 

Dance Class – No need to be so gloomy. Dancing will increase those natural “happy hormones” while keeping you flexible and strong.  

Gym Workouts – Well, there’s always the gym. There’s enough equipment to keep you staying active through the winter months and beyond.  

Wintertime is never an excuse to hibernate for three long months. There are plenty of activities to keep you staying active, maintaining your strength, flexibility, and keeping you happy.  

 plus fitness

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