Enjoy Your Body Now!

All bodies are capable of creating so much pleasure! You can be 100 lbs or 600 lbs; your body has the ability to bring you so much enjoyment if you let it. Great sex is not just for the thin bodies we see in the media. We all have the same equipment, ya know.

When we stop comparing our bodies and our lives to others, we become free to enjoy our own bodies. Stop worrying if someone else is having more fun or more orgasms. Let’s get busy creating some pleasure for you.

For me, personally, I have noticed that all of the types of pleasure in my life are rooted in gratitude.

If you would like more pleasure in your life this Summer, start by doing some simple things. Start by being grateful for your eyes and that you can read this gorgeous diet-free magazine. Then you can move to how much pleasure you get from hugging your kids or your love and notice how great that feels.

While hugging your lover, maybe you can also notice how warm they are and how good that feels. Take it a step further and recognize that it’s likely they are enjoying your body and it’s warmth as much as you are enjoying theirs.

Let’s repeat that step. Your partner / lover is enjoying YOUR warmth and body exactly as it exists this very moment in time. Not when you love 50 lbs. Right now!

When you come to realize that you can have all of this pleasure right now in the exact body you own, you can learn to appreciate your body and love it. Take all of that enjoyment into your bedroom and into all areas of your life.

We’re done putting our lives and our own pleasure on hold. The more pleasure (sexual and non-sexual) you can have using your body, the more you can start to fall in love with it and maybe even forgive your body – if that is something you feel like you need to do. Life is way too short, friends! Enjoy every ounce of pleasure your full figure body is capable of.


Enjoy Your Body Now!

By Chrystal Bougon


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