
When  shopping online for women’s plus-sized clothing, you will find hundreds, probably thousands, of online sites to shop from. We understand that it may be overwhelming, especially for the first time online shopper. Sometimes, even after a little experience you may still be a bit overcome by all the choices.

There are advantages and disadvantages to online shopping for women’s plus-sized clothing. Listed below are some of both of them that you may or may not have thought of before.


Privacy of your own home
You can be dressed (or not)
You focus on shopping for yourself (without the kids tagging along)
You can shop anytime in the middle of the night, when all the stores are closed
Save gas money
Saves time
Guaranteed satisfaction
Liberal return policies by most of the merchants giving you 60-90 days (usually) to return their products, if not satisfied.
No tiny dressing rooms to fight with (we’ve all had that experience).
Larger selection of women’s plus-sized clothes and merchants


Addiction to shopping online
Inability to try on clothes before you buy
Lack of instant gratification
You don’t get out of the house
Preparing for your online shopping trip

Now we would like you to prepare for your virtual shopping trip. First of all, have your tape measure available. Second, have pencil/pen and paper at the ready. You’ll need some assistance when you do some of the measuring. Ask a friend to help. You will need to measure parts of your body that you haven’t thought about. You may even need an equivalency chart to show the measurements in inches versus metric.

These are the body parts to be measured:

  • Hips

  • Bust

  • Waist

  • Inseam

  • Length from shoulder to hips

  • Length from shoulder to knees


After a while your clothes may become too loose or too tight and you will need to re-measure everything again. Write down your new measurements before your next virtual shopping trip.

When you receive your purchases, keep all packing materials in case of returns. Most merchants require you to use this material and their shipping labels to return any item.


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