Let Them Eat Cake!

Let Them Eat Cake!

As I sit alone in a San Franciscan cafe, I have a half full latte and the crumbs of a smoked salmon and sour cream laden bagel on my plate. It was satisfying, but the triple chocolate fudge cookie has caught my eye and is sending out some serious ‘I know you...
Teaching Children Body Positivity

Teaching Children Body Positivity

I teach a small group of girls every Wednesday; we call ourselves SPARKLE. Recently, my warrior princesses have been learning a dance. They stand in two rows and watch me, mirroring the motions I do with my hands and arms back to me. Their eyes are focused. They...
10 Affirmations to Improve Body Image

10 Affirmations to Improve Body Image

“I’m so fat.” “I hate the way that my stomach sticks out in this dress.” “I wish my thighs didn’t jiggle when I walk.” Have you ever said or thought statements like this to yourself about your body? We talk about our bodies a lot, but so much of that conversation,...
Let Them Eat Cake!

Turn Body Loathing into Body Loving!

Loving your body is a lifelong journey. The world around us is forever changing. Our bodies continue to age and change, and our lives continue to follow their winding, bumpy and beautiful path. So it makes sense that our relationship with our bodies will also...
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