Dyeing your hair is a fun and exciting process. You can change up your look and rock a new style within a matter of hours. However, you must first use strategic planning to obtain the correct hair color. Before dyeing your hair, read up on how to avoid common hair dyeing mistakes for useful tips.

Choose the Correct Hair Dye

Choosing the correct hair dye is a fundamental part of the hair dyeing process. If you want correct results, begin with the right type of dye. So start with semi-permanent or temporary dyes if you’re a beginner. These colors will rinse out after a couple of shampoos, and you’re not stuck with a particular color.

Use Correct Dyeing Tools

Your hair dyeing tools play a huge role in the correct coloring results. It’s critical to use non-metallic dyeing tools because the dye in metal bowls will change the composition of the color. You should use plastic or glass bowls for dye and plastic application tools.

Don’t Skip the Patch Test

Before dyeing your hair, it’s essential to perform a patch test. A patch test takes place 48 hours before a complete dye job. You can perform this test by applying the hair dye to a small section of your hair and leaving it uncovered for 30 minutes. After that time, rinse the section in lukewarm water and pat dry. If your current hair color reacts well with the dye, you’re ready to complete a full hair dye job. This is also a good time to see if you like the dye color or want to change it. But if you want to change the color, you will need to perform another patch test on new hair strands.

Don’t Over-Wash Your Hair

Don’t shampoo your hair before a dye job. One-to-two-day unwashed hair has a protective block on your scalp, which lessens the chance of irritation or deposited color pigment. After your dye job, don’t wash your hair too often. Minimizing your hair wash days is a great way to maintain fashion hair color because it doesn’t rinse out all the dye.

Properly Apply Hair Dye

Properly applying hair dye is critical for the correct color result. Avoid doing random dye brush movements or using your hands to apply the dye because this will result in uneven color. The only way to achieve even color distribution is by dyeing your hair in sections. Professional hair stylists will part the hair in four sections. They start dyeing from the back of the neck to the front of the hairline.

Dyeing your hair is an enjoyable activity. You have the chance to switch up your look completely. However, it takes some careful planning. Before you book that salon appointment or apply the dye yourself, refer to our guide on how to avoid common hair dyeing mistakes for helpful information.

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