Photographer: Cailin Butler @cailinbutlerphotography 

Kiara Sherman looks like she is filled with confidence, but it wasn’t always so.  She spent years just hating the way she looked.  Like many women when they are young, she wanted to look like everyone else… or anyone else really.  She mostly wanted to be skinny like many of the other kids in her school. 

It’s by imposing these thoughts upon ourselves that we end up feeling unhappy about the way we look.  Kiara made plans for her future that always included her losing weight.  She planned that when she was skinny she would dance, travel and be happy.  With so much of her future tied up in her weight, there was little wonder that she couldn’t get out of this cycle.   

Photographer: Cailin Butler @cailinbutlerphotography 

She finally decided that she needed to go for it.  Rather than wait for the day to come where she felt that she had earned the right to try things, Kiara just went out and did them.  The result being that she is now much more confident about herself… and in herself.  She stopped letting her weight dictate her happiness. There is certainly a lesson in there for all of us.  Everyone on this planet has something unique to offer the world, in whatever they choose to do. 

Kiara Sherman has taken this positive attitude a long way.  She is now a successful plus size model and is rightfully proud of the way she looks.  She has some advice for others that want a modelling career – get out there and go to as many auditions as you can.   

Kiara has grown in confidence from following the same advice herself.  She knows full well that she can offer something that others just don’t. 

She leaves us with a quote, “Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made!” I think we all salute that! 

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