Roz the Diva

Kick Ass Trainer and Pole Diva

NASM certified Roz “The Diva” Mays has dedicated many late nights at the gym to becoming a stronger and healthier athlete. Pole dancing is her sport of choice to teach, followed by TRX, core conditioning and flexibility.  Among her finest contributions to the pole world has been creating Dangerous Curves: A Celebration of Plus Size Pole Dancers.  Her talents have lead to appearances on America’s Got Talent (Season 10), Law and Order: SVU, Inside Edition and The Doctors.  As a SAG member, she’s done for professional stunt work in Law and Order: SVU, The Big C and That’s My Boy.  She loves to teach obnoxiously loud classes at Body & Pole and IncrediPole in New York City.  When she isn’t half naked and sweaty, Diva’s usually making pancakes with Beyonce.
I had a chance to sit down with her and ask her a few questions and get her insights into fitness as a plus size woman.  

Thank you so much for taking the time to sit and chat with us! Why don’t you take a minute to explain to our readers a little bit about what you do – because you certainly do a lot!  

I have a sick fascination for making people sweat.  Whether I’m working with a private client at the gym, or teaching my pole dancing students how to fly, all my people put in WORK. 

Often times women can be intimidated to start working out.  What are some things you can recommend to our readers to getting started with an active lifestyle? 

First of all, you are an athlete TODAY. Not when you can run faster, not when you lose weight, but just as you are right now!  Secondly, work with a professional so you get started on the right foot.  A personal trainer, for example, can teach you how to use the gym equipment and put together a plan of attack.  If you want to try a group class, arrive a few minutes early to talk to introduce yourself to the teacher.  They’ll be happy to watch out for you during class, and give any modifications needed.  Lastly, start with an activity you ENJOY doing.  Be prepared to try a bunch of things before something sticks.  Above all, YOU GOT THIS!


Tell us a bit about your programs, what you offer and what people can expect when they train with you. 

My goal is for every client to end each session 10% happier and healthier than when they started.  I work my ass off to create a safe haven where clients can learn how to train properly, safely make mistakes and vent about their douche bag boss.  My priority is education about proper movement patterns and delivering bomb ass pep talks.  My clients aren’t pressured to do anything they hate, and I encourage them to move at their own pace. 

What are some of your challenges as a plus size trainer – do you have any? 

Personally, I’m fine being a trainer of my size, but a few people still need to get on board.  Every so often, someone will tell me how bad of a role model I am, and that nobody would want to learn from someone my size.  I usually don’t fight back because I’m too busy growing Roz Mays Enterprises to give a shit. 

What can readers expect next for you – do you have anything exciting you would like to share with us? 

My next project is D(iva)TV, a series of instructional fitness videos-on-demand.  These videos are designed for complete fitness virgins.  Each video is 20 minutes long, and focuses on a different muscle group.  I want other plus size athletes to know they have someone looks and moves like them!

If you could go back in time and give yourself advice as a little girl, what would you tell her? 

I’d tell Mini Diva to cut back on the damn portion sizes! 



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