The truth about what weight you REALLY need to lose

The truth about what weight you REALLY need to lose

The truth about the weight you REALLY need to lose Kaare Long   There is a voice in my head. It is a constant monologue of “should”s and “should not”s: “You shouldn’t eat that cookie;” “You should work out more;” “ You shouldn’t...
Redefining How You Think About Body Positivity

Redefining How You Think About Body Positivity

Redefining How You Think About Body Positivity by Jennifer Rollin   For many of my clients, the leap from body hatred to body love feels impossible. However, in my work with them, I help them start to redefine and think about “body positivity” in a different way.   ...
The Key Ingredient to Unshakeable Confidence

The Key Ingredient to Unshakeable Confidence

The Key Ingredient to Building Unshakeable Confidence  Summer Innanen is a professionally trained life coach specializing in body image, self-worth and confidence. She is the best-selling author of Body Image Remix and helps women all over the world to stop living...
How To Fearlessly Eat Without Dieting

How To Fearlessly Eat Without Dieting

How To Fearlessly Eat Without Dieting  Beth Rosen, MS, RD, CDN Fearless eating is a skill that competent eaters intuitively possess.  Unfortunately, chronic dieters have lost the ability to trust their internal cues – those feelings of hunger and satisfaction...
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