The Chivalrous Guy Summer Dating

Summer is a fantastic time for new beginnings. The proverbial New Year’s resolutions have come and long gone; for some of us, quicker than the Christmas lights came down! Most of us resolve to eat healthier and exercise. Personally, I like to ease into these goals before Summer rather than attack them cold turkey. I take advantage of the interim between the first week of January and Valentine’s Day as a gradual detox from the things I’d like to work on. My lady and I like to celebrate Valentine’s Day in style, so it serves as a bit of a last hurrah prior to tackling our goals with gazelle-like intensity.

New beginnings of any kind have a better chance when you’ve got a commitment-free stretch on the calendar. The Summer Equinox beckons us outside. Flowers blooming, sunshine and fresh air; it’s a proven fact that being active can be an organic remedy for depression, and it makes perfect sense. Sunshine makes the flowers grow, right? Regardless of your relationship status, it’s time to get outdoors; your dating life included. Sunshine and happiness shows in your stride ladies, and it will naturally attract the same in a man.

As a couple, my bride and I really enjoy hiking, bicycling and evening walks. Walks at sunset during Summer are a great time to decompress and talk about your day together. Most major cities have zoos and botanical gardens which can be quite romantic to stroll together, also. Let’s not forget the timeless classic: a Summer picnic in the park.

Whether you’re looking to turn over a new leaf or just stop and smell the roses, summer  can be an encouraging and inspiring time to get out, try new things and wipe the slate clean.

By Johnny Zapp

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