Fall into Fitness - Transitioning from Summer to Fall Fitness 

Author: Barbara Steinmetz, ACE CPT 

curvy fitness 

Fall. It’s my favorite time of the year. Warm days, crisp nights, apple and pumpkin picking, and cozying up to a nice fire. For some, fall means the end of those outdoor activities, shorts, tee shirts and no shoes. For us on the East Coast, we transition from bathing suits to snowsuits, sunglasses to snow goggles, flip flops to boots.  

For those of us experiencing this seasonal change, transitioning to indoor fitness can be challenging. Let’s face it, once those cold, dark mornings appear getting up and working towards those goals gets harder and harder. When that first chilly day arrives it’s time to start planning your winter fitness program.   

Join small group training. Working out with other people is a great way to motivate each other and be each other’s support system.  

Thought about trying yoga? Grab a few friends and find a yoga class that caters to plus-size woman. All moves can be modified and it is a great way to destress.  

curvy fitnessIndoor swimming. Just because the weather outside is frightful doesn’t mean you have to skip the pool. Aqua classes, laps on your own or bring the whole family, swimming is a great cardio workout and everyone can do it.  


Fall hiking can lead to winter snowshoeing or cross-country skiing. Here in New Jersey we have over 50 state parks, forests and recreational areas. Family sledding, skating, even snowman building are great outdoor activities and can create fun and memories while getting in some activity.  

Remember, movement is movement. Winter doesn’t have to mean the end of fitness and the beginning of hibernation. It is just another season of endless possibilities. Let your imagination run and see what road it takes you on.  

 Author Address: 34 Fredericks St. Wanaque, NJ 07465 

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