Tips for Properly Removing Beauty Products

Tips for Properly Removing Beauty Products

After rocking your beauty look, it’s time to wash your face and care for your skin. To start, you must effectively take off your cosmetics. If you need help, read about these tips for properly removing beauty products. Take Your Time The old saying “Slow and steady...
Protect Roe vs. Wade

Protect Roe vs. Wade

With the recent draft leak it is apparent that the Supreme Court is set to overturn Roe vs. Wade in June. Meaning the right to choose to have an abortion is under attack and this decicion puts women and trans men’s lives at stake. Overturning the 50 year old ruling...
Effective and Creative Ways To Rejuvenate

Effective and Creative Ways To Rejuvenate

Refreshing yourself can look different for everyone. Everybody has their own set of unique day-to-day challenges, which means the way you cope and reboot will look different. Here’s an easy list of effective and creative ways to rejuvenate! Self-Care Self-care is a...
Tips for Fighting Frizzy Hair in the Winter

Tips for Fighting Frizzy Hair in the Winter

Wintertime wreaks havoc on tons of things, including our hair. Heating systems suck moisture from the air, creating static electricity and making our locks weaker. Here are some tips for fighting frizzy hair in the winter to keep breakage and brittleness at bay. Use a...
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